10 Note-Taking Hacks to Boost Learning

01- The Cornell Method

Divide your page into sections for notes, cues, and summary. This structure promotes active recall and review.

02- Mind Mapping

Create a visual web with a central topic branching out to connected ideas. Great for brainstorming and non-linear thinking.

03- Outline Method

Organize information in a hierarchical structure with main points and sub-points. Ideal for lectures with clear progression.

04- Charting Method

Organize information in a grid format to compare and contrast concepts. Useful for data analysis and relationships.

05- Sentence Method

Focus on capturing key sentences and phrases verbatim. Good for lectures with important definitions or quotes.

06- Flow Based Method

Write down ideas on sticky notes and arrange them to show connections. Flexible and adaptable for dynamic thinking.

07- T-Notes Method

Divide a T-chart into "Main Idea" and "Details" sections. Simple and effective for quick summaries.

08- Boxing Method

Identify key points and enclose them in boxes for emphasis. Draws attention to crucial information.

09- Rapid Logging Method

Use short phrases and symbols like bullets and stars to capture quick notes. Efficient for capturing fleeting ideas.

10- Voice Recording Method

Use a voice recorder to capture lectures verbatim. Good for auditory learners or fast-paced lectures (review required later).