Career Clarity: 10 Info Interview Hacks (with Pics!)

01- Uncover the Reality:

Informational interviews reveal the day-to-day tasks, challenges, and rewards of a profession, giving you a realistic picture.

02- Discover Hidden Paths:

You might learn about unexpected career paths within a field you're interested in, broadening your horizons.

03- Network Like a Pro:

Informational interviews connect you with professionals who can become mentors, recommenders, or even future colleagues.

04- Refine Your Skillset:

Gain insight into the specific skills and experiences valued in your target field, helping you tailor your resume and approach.

05- Craft Compelling Questions:

Prepare thoughtful questions that demonstrate your research and genuine interest in the field and the person's experience.

06- Be Respectful of Time:

Keep your interview concise and focused. Respect the professional's time by being well-prepared and keeping the conversation within the allotted timeframe.

07- Follow Up with Gratitude:

Express your appreciation for the interviewee's time and insights. Send a thank-you email reiterating key points and any follow-up questions.

08- Target the Right People:

Choose professionals whose careers align with your interests and goals. Research their work and tailor your questions accordingly.

09- Leverage Your Network:

Ask for introductions to professionals in your target field through your existing network (friends, family, former colleagues).

10- Confidence Booster:

Informational interviews can boost your confidence by validating your career path and highlighting your transferable skills.