01- Target Rich Environment:

Instead of reading every word, skimming involves quickly scanning a text to identify key sections like headings, bold text, and introductory sentences.

Read Like a Pro: 10 Skimming Hacks

02- Become a Headline Hunter:

Train your eyes to spot headlines, subheadings, and bulleted points. These sections often contain the central ideas of a text.

03- The First and Last Shall Lead You:

Introductory paragraphs and concluding sentences frequently summarize the main points of a text.

04- Follow the Bold and Italicized:

Pay attention to bolded or italicized words and phrases, as they often highlight important information.

05- Friend of the Friend:

Identify transition words like "however," "therefore," and "because" as they signal shifts in ideas and can help you follow the main argument.

06- Picture Perfect:

Skimming visuals like charts, graphs, and images can often provide a quick understanding of the main idea.

07- Don't Get Bogged Down in the Weeds:

If you encounter dense or technical sections, skim them quickly or skip them altogether. You can always come back to them if needed.

08- Active, Not Passive:

Skimming is an active process.  Don't just passively read the words;  be engaged and ask yourself questions about the text.

09- Practice Makes Perfect:

The more you skim, the better you'll become at identifying key information quickly.

10- Skimming is a Tool, Not a Replacement:

Skimming is a valuable technique for quickly grasping the main idea of a text, but it shouldn't replace close reading when needed for deeper comprehension.