01- Tailor Your Resume to the Specific Job

Don't use a generic resume.  Focus on mirroring the language and keywords found in the job description.

The Resume Secret They Don't Tell You

02- Start with a Strong Summary

Briefly capture who you are, your top skills and why you're a good fit for the position.

03- Emphasize Accomplishments, Not Just Duties

Quantify your achievements with numbers and results to showcase your impact.

04- Use Powerful Action Verbs

Start bullet points with strong verbs (like "developed," "managed", "spearheaded") to convey initiative.

05- Keep it Concise and Scannable

Hiring managers spend seconds on each resume. Make yours easy to read with clear formatting.

06- Proofread Meticulously

A single typo can derail your chances. Proofread multiple times, and have someone else review it.

07- Demonstrate Industry Knowledge

Incorporate industry-specific keywords and terminology to show you're in the know.

08- Highlight Transferable Skills

Even if changing fields, emphasize relevant skills. Problem-solving, communication, and leadership are valued anywhere.

09- Consider a Skills Section

A dedicated skills list helps your resume get picked up by applicant tracking systems (ATS).

10- Include a Professional Design (Optional)

A clean, modern template shows you care about presentation (especially for creative fields)