01- The Brain Doesn't Decode Letter-by-Letter:

The Secrets of the Reading Brain

Skilled readers don't process each letter individually. They recognize word shapes and patterns.

02- Context is King:

The meaning of a word is deeply influenced by the surrounding words and sentences. A word in isolation can have multiple meanings.

03- Prediction is Powerful:

Our brains anticipate upcoming words, using grammar, context, and our existing knowledge to increase reading speed and comprehension.

04- Sampling, Not Comprehensive Decoding:

Efficient readers sample text, focusing on key words and structures rather than attempting to process every single word.

05- Fluency Trumps Accuracy:

Focusing on smooth, flowing reading is more important for comprehension than fixating on perfect pronunciation of every word.

06- Background Knowledge is Key:

The more you know about a topic, the easier and faster it is to read related texts.

07- Purpose Guides Reading:

We adjust our reading strategies based on why we're reading--skimming for the gist vs. reading for deep analysis.

08- "Inner Voice" Varies:

The subvocalization (inner voice) we hear as we read can be helpful, but it can also slow us down unnecessarily.

09- Reading is NOT Linear:

Skilled readers jump around, re-read sections, refer to headings, etc. They don't progress in a perfect straight line

10- Struggling Readers Need Different Strategies:

Blaming a reader for "slow reading" is unhelpful. They need strategies to leverage their strengths, not remediation focused on weak areas.